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Mrs. Gaspich - 2A
Welcome To Second Grade
January Happenings in Second Grade
Important Dates:
1- 2 School reopens
1- 3 Early dismissal - bring peanut free snack
1- 4 Second session of Renaissance testing begins
1 - 10 Project index card due by today
1 - 17 Chore pictures, dog and cat food, and project due today
1 - 20 No school for students
1 - 22 Class pictures - full winter uniform with sweater must be worn
1 - 26 Catholic school Week Mass and Open House
1 - 28 Open House for Kdg - Grade 3
1- 30 Student appreciation Day, dress down in blue and white
1 - 31 Teacher Appreciation Day, early dismissal
In Religion we will:
Learn about important saints
Read and discuss bible stories
Continue understanding reconciliation
Discuss Jesus as the Holy Eucharist
Catholic School Week
In reading we will:
Learn how we express ourselves
Practice long U
Review the use of punctuation
Combine sentences with and, so , but, or
Continue to understand and identify main idea, author’s purpose
Use comparative endings er and est
Practice identifying expository texts
Review prefixes
Learn about ling verbs, helping verbs, past tense verbs, and irregular verbs
Use contractions
Learn what makes different parts of the world different from us
Practice blends wr, kn, gn, mb, sc
Use linking verbs is, are
Know the importance of rereading
Compare and contrast
Use suffixes
Review compound words
Learns how earth changes
Discuss er, ir, ur, or
Understand more about quotation marks
Use cause and effect scenarios
Identify text evidence
In math we will:
Learn about money
Learn about time
Penny, nickel, quarter, half-dollar, dollar
Making change
Adding and subtracting money
Analog and digital clocks
Hour, half hour, quarter hour
Minute hand
Hour hand
Half past
Minutes before and after
Elapsed time
Reading a schedule
Estimating time
Place value to 1000
Counting patterns
In Science we will:
Discuss Earth’s processes
Quick changes versus slow changes
How people change earth
In Social Studies:
Learn about goods and services
Needs, wants, and choices
Food producers