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Mrs. Rybczynski - 1B


Dear Parents,

Can you believe it is almost the end of your child’s time in First Grade? As we come to the conclusion of a wonderful year, please take time to reflect on the tremendous growth your child has made.  These last few months students will see the conclusion of the First Grade curriculum. Please note subtraction facts timed test will be administered this month, followed by mixed facts in June.  Your child has been given all the tools necessary for a successful transition to Second Grade.  Please continue to review and reinforce all concepts learned over the entire year.  It is imperative you practice these skills over the summer.  Take time each day to have your child read orally, practice reading comprehension, addition and subtraction facts, and write sentences.  Thank you for all the support you have given your child throughout the year.  Have a blessed, safe and fun-filled summer!

The First Grade Teachers


Below you will find some important dates to remember



5/10 12:30 Dismissal, May Crowning Mass (peanut free snack)

5/27  Memorial Day, School Closed 


6/3 – Inventions due

6/7 - Early Dismissal at 12:30 PM (peanut free snack) 8th Grade   graduation